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Listen to Istrian geodesist before you search for villa for sale in Croatia

Before you search for villa for sale in Croatia, listen to the interview with Deni Tomisic – an expert geodesist from Istria. 


You really don’t want to be in a place of a real estate investor, who is buying an investment property abroad, in Croatia, without checking first the land issues!

You should get now a chill up your spine. Brrrr…



Checking aspects connected with the land seems obvious when… buying a land.

However, it doesn’t sound so self-evident, when going through houses for sale in Croatia with a fine-tooth comb.

And in fact, many investors, once they see how much they can make yearly from renting out the villa to tourists, they don’t analyse much more.


The moment when your eyes feel like 2 bling-bling dollars  is time to take a breath and make a couple of questions.

Start from making sure that the geodesist, who was involved in the construction of the villa that you want to buy and let out in Croatia, is an expert, who really knows his job.

With support of an expert geodesist question marks will quickly disappear and you will be sure what is an interesting investment property and what is definitely not.


Interview with Deni Tomisic – an expert geodesist from Istria Croatia


In the first episode of Candy Brick Podcast – the first podcast about real estate investing in Croatia – you will meet Deni Tomisic (ABAKA d.o.o., Rovigno in Istria Croatia).

Deni Tomisic can’t count the number of cases that he solved successfully for real estate investors in Croatia.

In the podcast he shares most difficult cases and proves that with expertise and good preparation every goal can be met.

Technical aspects of geodesy, the reasons why every investment project in Croatia must be supported by an expert geodesist, problems of investors who search for villa for sale in Croatia, business opportunities, practical tips – all this you’ll find in this episode!

If you are interested in having a property in Croatia that you rent out to tourists and benefit from rental income, you really need to listen to interview with Deni Tomisic.


What are the topics of the podcast with Deni Tomisic? 


  • How did it start that Deni Tomisic became an geodesist?


  • What was the most difficult project in which Deni Tomisic was involved in, as an geodesist, and how did he solve it? I only mention here, that there was one case in which he found an agreement with 50 people! This shows the importance of human relation for a top-notch geodesy project.


  • What does the geodesist actually do?


  • Catastar“, land registry Croatia – what data can it give to you?


  • What are the mistakes that a geodesist may do during his job? (such errors could cost you a lot of money and nerves if you search for villa for sale in Croatia)


  • How to find a geodesist if you are a new investor in Croatia? Who should you avoid to work with?


  • You are interested in few real estate in Croatia. Let’s say in Istria. You’re still not the owner. You are coming with them to a geodesist… What should you ask the geodesist to be sure that you actually buy, what you know to buy.


  • Case study: February night… big problem with villa for sale. Actually, there were more villas for sale. 3 lawyers in Rijeka Croatia can’t solve Marta Stone’s problem. The real estate agents “seem” to put a trap on a foreign investor. Deni proved (in less than 24 hours!) that the villas priced 1,8 mln euro can be anything. But for sure not an investment! Listen to the whole story in the podcast.


  • What are the best places to buy in Croatia? Istria? Dalamtia? Zagreb zone?


  • Istria in 10 years – what will it become?


Play the audio below and listen to the podcast

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