Best villas in Croatia, how are they built?
To build the best villas in Croatia you need to use the best materials available on the market. At Candy Brick, we are very aware of this and in this article we will explain and show you the quality required for the construction of a Candy Brick villa.
First, to build the best villas in Croatia you need experts that know how to use the materials given in the right way. The project manager has a really important role, responsible for selecting the right suppliers that will provide high quality materials for the construction.
At Candy Brick, we have Dušan Ivković an organised and committed project manager with 16 year experience in projecting and building houses. Being a local Istrian, he has a wide network and knows who are the best suppliers for each material.
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Second, you need workers that will handle the high quality materials with care, giving them the right treatment and using the correct techniques when installing them.
Zdravko Đokić and his team have built over 300 houses and understand every step is important to achieve an excellent result.
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Know where the materials come from
In the Candy Brick villas, all the materials have been attested, meaning that for every material used on the construction there is clear evidence of its origin. This is important as it is often a Guarantee of the materials durability and performance. You can see if the materials follow this standard by checking the label that should comply with the Construction Products Regulation (CPR).
“The Construction Products Regulation (CPR) lays down harmonised rules for the marketing of construction products in the EU. The Regulation provides a common technical language to assess the performance of construction products. It ensures that reliable information is available to professionals, public authorities, and consumers, so they can compare the performance of products from different manufacturers in different countries.”
What materials are necessary to build the best villas in Croatia?
Cement is essential as it form two important construction materials. If mixed with water, it forms mortar and if mixed with sand, gravel, and water it makes concrete. These combined with the bricks make the fundamentals of your building. Here’s a video of Zdravko Đokić laying the concrete of Candy Brick villa 3 in Matelici.
Concrete mixtures do not set below minus seven degrees, and the lower the temperature the longer it takes for the concrete to set. In addition, concrete has to be wetted in order for it to achieve its requirements and conditions to settle and harden properly.

For the structure you will need resistant and solid bricks. Hollow bricks or blocks have greater benefits than solid bricks. The advantages of using these types of bricks are:
Thermal Insulation – Hollow bricks have strong insulation properties reducing the need to use heating and cooling devices.
Strength – They can support heavy wall hangings, such as shelves, furniture, souvenirs. They make it easier to pass the electrical and plumbing fixtures through compared to solid bricks.
Low maintenance – Hollow bricks have low maintenance costs due to little or no efflorescence on their surfaces.
Less cost – As they are larger in size they require less mortar joints filling.
Steel reinforces the building structure. Concrete is a composite material that works well in compression, but not in tension. The reinforcing steel bars form a net and a frame for the concrete to be poured in. Together they create reinforced concrete, where the concrete is the matrix while steel bars or wires provide reinforcement.
In Candy Brick villas, there are three types of insulation:
Hydro Insulation – This stops the humidity and steam penetrating the surface and letting the humidity and vapour out at the same time, allowing the surfaces to breathe and dry out.
Thermal Insulation – External thermal insulation allows heating and cooling systems to have a better performance and lower energy consumption. If the thermal insulation is external, when cold the indoor heating also heats the bricks on the walls, keeping the warmth indoors for longer.
Noise Insulation – Stirodur is a special kind of plastic and the stirodur slabs have no connection to the walls. This helps avoid the propagation of noise through the walls helping to make the villas silent.
The progress of construction always requires the introduction of new materials and techniques. We are always on the lookout to make sure that all the materials used during the start till the end of the project are reliable, stable and high quality. This is how we help ensure that Candy Brick villas are the best villas in Croatia.
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