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Find out the August 2021 rental income!

Last month I commented with you the rental income that the Candy Brick villas in Istria achieved in July 2021.

In that case, our estimations of€9,000 gross rental income per villa in July was met and actually exceeded.

Indeed, the villas generated an average gross income higher than €10,000, reaching €11,000 in some cases.

What about August 2021?

n the image below, you can see from the last year’s data we were estimating a rental income of €9,878 in August

Was the expectation of €9,878 in August correct?

Let’s see the real numbers!

August ’21, example 1: 3-bedroom villa in Silent Valley

The target of €9,878 has been exceeded!

August ’21, example 2: 3-bedroom villa in Silent Valley

The target of €9,878 has been exceeded!

August ’21, example 3: 3-bedroom villa in Blue Bay

The target of €9,878 has been exceeded!

July ’21, example 4: 3-bedroom villa in Blue Bay 

The target of €9,878 has been exceeded!

July ’21, example 5: 3-bedroom villa in Blue Bay 

The target of €9,878 has been exceeded!

Short summary:

One more time, the real data from our villas in two different locations in Istria are even better than our estimations! 😊

  • This is the result of:
  • – hard and persistent work;
  • – very good rated guests management;
  • – attractive and fast-growing location;
  • – great performance in general by the Istrian region;
  • – strong marketing/sales effort to attract guests.

On the image: myself with our host Isabella (on the left), who is taking care of managing your villa, and most importantly, managing your guests.
You can often read her name in the reviews 😉

What are the current figures on annual basis?

Let’s take again one of our villas as an example

Annual gross rental income: over €36,800 from the current reservations

The villa will probably reach or even exceed the €40,000 gross income by the end of the year.

Indeed, if you give a closer look, September has still some free spots at the end of the month. 
In addition, October, November, and December are yet to be sold!

If you want to have a rental income higher-than-average, and guests 12 months a year, with a full-inclusive rental & property management service – then Candy Brick is your unique choice!

New Candy Brick project in Istria!

  • 3 villas types: Sea View Imperial
  • Roy Imperial
  • Exclusive Gardens

Only 1700 m to the sea!

Click the button below and see:

  • the layouts of the villas
  • the master plans of the single plots
  • the prices and the payment schedule 
  • 3D visualizations of the villas
  • 3D interior design 
  • information about the rental management

Laguna Marina: will you have the same rental income?

It could be even higher.


  • 1 – the villas are closer to the sea;
  • 2 – some villas have the extra-room, which could be very useful and attractive;
  • 3 – our brand reputation keeps increasing;
  • 4 – in general, the quality of the houses constantly improves from project to project. 

For more detailed information, you can contact me by replying to this e-mail. 

Best regards,

Marta Stone
Seaways Villas d.o.o. 
✆ +385 97 708 7990 

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